Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is Why I Teach...

I've always wondered how men and women could dedicate 20+ years of their life to the classroom.  Today I found out how.  During their free time one my of older students wrote me a beautiful letter. I also received the cutest drawing from one of my younger students.  These little notes and drawings are what making teaching worth the hard days. 

"Sis. Amber,

I love you you are my best teacher that have teach this school I like your words that you speack [sic] to the class your words lift me more to Christ some say that you ar [sic] mean but I notice that you wont [sic] us to do right thanks you for ALL you have done for me you are soch [sic] a blessing to me

                                       Love You "

*This is how the note came to me...spelling mistakes, missing grammar and all. :) 

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Those are the greatest types of gifts...the little notes from kids. Cherish them :) Hope all is well. Caleb says to hurry up and get home...
