Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lessons Belize Has Taught Me - Part 2

My roommates like to keep the A/C on freezing.
 “Um, you guys I think the song is suppose to be “Baby, It’s Cold OUTSIDE.”

It’s necessary to wait a month to tell me that a hot shower is possible.

Checking heads for lice is apparently part of teaching.  

Somehow buying American clothes in a Belize thrift store is cooler then shopping at the Salvation Army in the USA.

It’s amazing the lengths a kid will go to get out of school. 
“Honey, you don’t have a fever, you feel fine. No, sister, it’s in the bones...fever in the bones.”


Don’t freak out if you have a black tail appear under the door near your bed. It’s just the dog who lays outside; for some reason his tail is wagging. 

No, that isn’t your dog’s chew toy you hear squeaking. It’s just the mice

Cooking dinner is like feeding an army. Guess this is what it’s like having a large family.

There is nothing like the possibility of a hurricane to make you realize you are still an American tourist at heart. 

Nothing beats listening to a scary story during a rain storm, at night, without electricity. 


  1. Oooh!! I love it!! This is funny :)
    And about those scary stories...
    You have GOT to ask Lupita to tell you her story bout the girl that had the injury on her arm and was visiting the neighbor lady. (If she hasn't already told it).
    It's soooo scary...

    ~Bethany Wakefield~

  2. Too funny! Really enjoyed the post!
