Sunday, August 22, 2010

So Why Are You Doing This Again?

During my last few weeks in the States, I was often asked why I was leaving to go live in Belize.  My answer was basically, "I have no clue -- I'll figure that out later when I get there".  Well I've been here five days now and I still don't have that answer.  What I do know is that I wouldn't trade all the money in the world to go back home now.  In my few days here I've already traveled the length of Belize and fallen madly in love with the people, food and culture here.  From the plains of my home here in Guinea Grass to the lush rain forests of Punta Gorda in the south, this country is full of the sweetest people you will ever meet.  The work of God here is flourishing under the guidance of Rev. Tim Joiner and his beautiful family and it's an honor to be working with these wonderful people. 

The country of Belize is extremely poor for the most part with a smattering of rich people here and there. For the most part homes are shacks with the basic of accommodations although the living conditions have improved over the years.  Most villages are a far cry from the beautiful, resort looking pictures most see in magazines and brochures they show tourists.  

While it seems like my new adventure has already started, the real test comes tomorrow with the start of school.  Let's hope I can put all my education to use and actually remember what I was taught. :)


  1. GO AMBER! We are so excited for you! We have no doubt you will be an awesome teacher and a tremendous blessing :) Know the Pierce's are praying for you.

  2. So great to be able to read your travels and that you are having such a good time! Can't wait to read more of your adventures :)
    You are doing an amazing thing and it will only help you grow into yourself {{hugs}}


  3. Praying for you Amber, I know you will be used greatly.

  4. I'm so proud of you, Amber, and truly admire what you're doing. I'll be following your escapades, and look forward to sitting down with you next Nov. for some face to face accounts of this wonderful journey you're on.

  5. Appreciate the update - you're on our hearts often - love and miss you!!
    The Browns

  6. Amber,

    Wow! Mice, scorpians, bitten by fire are such a trooper...sounding like a real missionary you mentioned in your email to us...there is a lot to do in the Kingdom of a blessing to the Joiners and let God have your way in your'll never regret it.

    I'm proud of you...MOM.
